Return a product
We accept returns on all new and unused products up to 20 days from the date the product was delivered. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. We charge a $14.99 shipping fee.
The $14.99 that you pay covers the shipping label which we'll buy and send to you so you can easily return the product to us. The actual cost for shipping might be considerable higher, but we'll cover this, you'll only pay the $14.99 flat fee.
If you are are returning more than one item, please note that you'll need to pay $14.99 for each product you're returning. Example: you'd like to return a shirt and cargo pants - the cost for this is two times $14.99.
If you are based outside of the US and Canada, please note that the shipping fees need to be covered by you. Please contact us for details.
Open a support ticket after you pay for the shipping fee mentioned above. Here's the link to . Make sure to mention your name and order number.